Multi-Functional Carbon Materials Laboratory
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Jeonbuk
Multi-Functional Carbon Materials Laboratory at KIST Jeonbuk proactively carry out pioneering and world-leading research across a diverse range of carbon materials science and engineering fields, aiming to provide a better understanding of advanced carbonaceous materials with interesting physicochemical and mechanical properties. Our research group brings the researchers together to develop solutions that drive productivity and cutting-edge applications of carbon materials such as composite plastics, novel catalysts, and next-generation energy storage devices.
Take your research career to the next level with MCML. We always welcome students and researchers from all disciplines who support our goals, and who are interested in joining MCML to conduct carbon materials research with us. More detailed information can be found on KIST recruitment websites below:
Please do not hesitate to contact principal investigators if you require any further information about recruitment. E-mail addresses can be found on Members page.
Annual Spring Sports Meet in 2019 at KIST Jeonbuk